Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fall Walk


I went for a walk with my mommy the other day.




There are tons of leaves everywhere.


I'm going to be gone for a while with my other mommy, so I won't be around much.

Hugs, Kodak.


My Two Best Friends said...


Isn't way fun walking in all of the leaves? Have fun with your other Mom!

Thor and Marco Polo

Lacy said...

w00f's Kodak, me hopes everthing iz ok...and u looked soo happy with ur walkie..

b safe,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I've missed woo!

Have fun with your other mom but hurry bakhk!


Thor and Jack said...

Hi Kodak!
I missed you! I hope you have a great time with your other mom.

Love and licks

Lorenza said...

Hi, Kodak!
Looks like you had a nice walkie!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs

the Corgi Girls said...

Looks like fun, playing in the leaves is great!

Can't wait to see your next post! We'll miss you!

M & I

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Kodak -

It looks like you enjoyed your walk. Have fun with your other Mom - we miss you already.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope everything is okay.

You sure do have a lot more leaves there than we do right now.

Joe Stains said...

It looks beautiful. We dont have fall here so we love looking at other dog's photos.

Dexter said...

You are going on vacation with mom? Lucky you. I love all the nice smells in the fall leaves, too.


Moco said...

You look lovely among all those leaves. We will be looking forward to your return.

Hana said...

Your Fall photos are beautiful. I wish we had a good fall season here with all the changing colors.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like you had a good weekend.

Simba x

Amber-Mae said...

Hope you had a fun walk!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Isis said...

at least you get to go with mom! hope you have tons of fun!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Woof Kodak! We just found your blog. You are very cute!
Hope you have fun with your other mom.

Samantha & June

The Daily Echo said...

We love to chase the leaves when the fall down from the trees! Have a nice vacation - we'll miss woo.

Fred said...

I'll miss you, Kodak!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Nice walkie you had Kodak

~ Girl girl

Margaret Cloud said...

We will miss you. Where are you going, is it far.

Kodak the Eskie said...

I'm not very far away. Just across town. Mommy thinks I will be home very soon. She misses me lots.

Hugs, Kodak

mary the dog obedience instructor said...


I love being at my birthplace and playing with my sister/aunt/mom/Great Grandmom and my 'birth' human mom. But sometimes I don't understand what my 'birth' human mom wants when she says we all have to come inside the house... I sit 6 feet outside the door trying to figure out what she wants. Don't worry - I'm inside a 6.5 wooden fence and no coyotes or evil people can reach me. In the end she just leaves the door open about 10 inches, goes about her business (usually cleaning up after whatever I got into lately) and then I'll slip inside the house. She then calmly closes the door. Also - sometimes she calls me when I'm inside the house and I don't understand so I run into the crate. She doesn't hurt me or scare me but I am sometimes just afraid. It's easy to be afraid when my four relatives will jump ahead and take charge in front of me.

I hope you are doing well and I relish the day I can come home to you. Maybe one of my nieces might be able to join us next year too.



mary the dog obedience instructor said...


Really and truly..

I need you and miss you. My bag is still unpacked except for one of my toys (uh - I kind of destroyed it). The bag is waiting to be unpacked when I come back home.

But I'll stay here as long as you need me to be here.

I love you.

p.s. my original human mom doesn't take great photos of me like you do and I miss being a 'photo star'..

mary the dog obedience instructor said...

Dear Mom,

My other mom is saying I ate her leather couch last night. That couldn't possibly be true. Last night was Halloween - surely it was one of those goblens that did it. Besides, why put leather on a couch? Leather is too yummy and should be eaten.

She's quite upset at herself. She knows better than to let us Eskie's loose in the house when she's sleeping.

She's going to try and find a leather store today and figure out a way to replace the goblen eaten couch cover.


Kodak the Eskie said...


Deefor said...

You look so nice in the leaves. Hope you are having fun.


i said...

Nice pictures! Looks like you had a lovely walkie there.

L said...

Kodak... if she didn't see you eat it, then you didn't do it (just don't let her look at your poop!)

nira said...

Great post!I m love visiting in your blog...i will come back soon