Saturday, October 11, 2008

A New Season


I was taking pictures today of the beautiful fall colors and it reminded me of last year. It was about this time last year that I started my "Blog With Dogs" with my baby Clive. Today was gorgeous and at the same time made me sad because of the memories and the changes that have happened over this last year. I lost Clive on January 26 and I adopted my beautiful, young, Kodak in April.


My Mommy brought me to the pet store and bought a new toy. I took it out of her purse and got away with it even before we got in the house.


Then I didn't even want to go in because it was gorgeous out!


Have a great weekend all. What a difference a year makes.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What nice pikhtures -

Life khan be so sad BUT it khan be soooo furry happy too -

It is our job as khanines to make sure keep things HAPPY!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Kodak and Mom!
I always remember Clive. And I am sure he sent Kodak to make your life happier!
Kisses and hugs

Lacy said...

w00f's Kodak and mama, me misses Clive too..and like lorenza said, he prolly sent kodak ur way..

b safe,

Raising Addie said...

Oh what a gorgeous picture of fall! Thank you very much for sharing these pictures!

You are a very sweet furbaby. It looks like you have brought a lot of joy to your family!


Moco said...

That tree is just wonderful along with the pictures of Kodak. Clive knew you would need someone as special as he.

Dining Alone said...

A fall colored toy, how cool is that!

the Corgi Girls said...

Beautiful pictures, that tree is just gorgeous! The trees are starting to change color here too. We love how you carry your toy around, how did you know it was just for you?!

M & I

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hi Kodak,
I looked at your pictures in the previous post, I couldn't tell who was who.
You all look alike! It's so touching to see you and your daddy posing together. No wonder why you are so handsome, like father like son.
The foliage is changing color, what a breathtaking view.
I have Awards awaiting for you, please pick it up at my blog, pick one you like most, it's my pleasure to pass it onto you.

The Daily Echo said...

You're so adorable Kodak. Mom is saying lots of "awwws". Give your Mom lots of kisses and remind her that Clive is never far away. He's in her heart.

My Two Best Friends said...


What a beautiful tree! And the pictures of Kodak are so beautiful - I'm sure Clive is watching over you!

Hugs and Kisses
Thor and Marco Polo

Girl Girl Hamster said...

The trees look so pawsome over your side now. How great that you get a new toy

~ Girl girl

Fred said...

What beautiful pictures! And that is a sweet post to remember your Clive.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Stopping by to say hello to all my DWB friends after the weekend. Hope you are all well.

Simba x

Suka said...

hey Kodak,

We, my human and I, are sorry your mom is feeling sad about missing her sweet Clive. It is ok to be sad, it shows how much Clive touched your hearts and lives! I am sure Clive's Spirit will always be with your mom! I am so glad your mom found you! You are sure pretty, especially against all the beautiful Autumn colors! And what a cool new toy! I need one of those!


Southbaygirl said...

Kodak....your toy matches the color of the trees. Mom loves the pictures of the colorful trees-we don't see that here in california!!!

We hope it's not too hard on your mommy thinking about Clive. At least she has you!!!


Lexie & Foxie said...

Clive will always have a place in our hearts, he was the 1st eskie Lexie flirted with on Valentine's Day 2007. Foxie didn't know Clive but she will always be friends with Kodak since they were born in the same month & are the same age (as close as we can tell from the vet). We will all miss Bee Bee but at least we are sure Clive was at the Bridge to greet her & show her around. Love ALL the photos.

L said...


We miss Clive too, but are glad that you are around! You have beautifully colored trees in your neighborhood. Ours stay the same all year long.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Kodak -

The trees are so colorful. We have not had peak colors yet. We like all the pictures.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Deefor said...

That is sad to remember Clive. I guess Clive sent you Kodak. The pictures are really pretty. And Kodak's toy looks like a fall toy.


Amber-Mae said...

You look sooo cute running around with your toy in the mouth.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

umekotyan said...

Good evening Kodak.
It runs about the world at the season of autumn.
It comes to the place where I live soon.
Food becomes delicious in wonderful autumn.

from loved ume tyan

Jans Funny Farm said...

We remember Clive. He was a beautiful guy.

Life is full of changes and some of them are very sad.

And some are happy. Such as Kodak.

Kathryn and Ari said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Clive--that must have been so hard for you. I'm glad you found Kodak--and let us meet him, too!

duo_disaster said...

We like this whole thing...

I mean what can be better with the new season and... a nice white lovely dog on lush green grass with a bright orange duckie!

Its the best combination!

Love it!
Rudolf & Goofy

Schmoopy said...

What an awesome picture of that tree! Beautiful colors!


Schmoopy, Sassy, Mia & Kate

Margaret Cloud said...

Kodak you are one sweet looking dog, I like your toy, it was nice of mom to get it for you. That tree is absolutely beautiful. like to have it in my yard. I invite you to come by.

thanida said...

Thanks for the solutions for each issue. They are helpful.