Now what's wrong with me just sitting here? Maybe I'm protecting the plant from whoever has been digging in it!
Mommy tells me she doesn't trust me sitting here. What am I doing wrong?
Geez, mom, take a chill pill.
Kodak is 6 years old and loves walks and chewy toys....
Hi, Kodak!
I guess your mom knows something about you and that plant!
But, I believe you... you are innocent!
Kisses and hugs
Woo are Kodak, The Great Plant Guarder!!
I still say it is one of the neighbours!!!
Just tell her you were helping with the interior decorating. You were going for the natural look!
Kisses, SKy boy
Dearest Kodak,
Of course you weren't in the plant. Just like your Great Grandmom, Zia, didn't get into Carol's dishwasher while vacationing at Carols. Oh - wait a minute... We have a photo of Zia - hmmm... are you taking after your Great Grandmom?
Your breeder and first love,
Mary, the dog obedience instructor, and sometimes.. a select breeder of AED's
We believe you - Your Mom needs to find the real culprit!
Thor and Marco Polo
I am sure that you are innocent!
Good job protecting the plant!
BOL Kodak!!
What's up with humans suspecting us when it comes to some plant being dug up, eh? They're crazy I tell ya!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
hey Kodak,
Good job gathering the evidence before you mom vacuums it away! And why is she so quick to want to get rid of the evidence? I smell something fishy, or planty, going on.
Tell your mom that my human K knew some people who ran in the Hennepin/Lake Classic 5K and it looked like fun, but K is not a runner. That is cool that your mom ran it though, but bad for you because that means she is in good shape and can run fast enough to catch you! We had never been to Ten Mile Lake but it sounds pretty. Hope you had fun and were able to swim!
On the lookout for the infamous plant attacker,
We can see that you are guarding that plant from the evil intruder that spread it's parts around. Good job, Kodak!
How can an innocent face like you could have done that mess? I don't believe it!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Kodak, you are too adorable for words. But I have to admit--and I say this as a friend--there's a certain mischievousness to that expression of yours!
Hi, Kodak -
We don't believe that you could dig up the plant. Dogs don't do things like that HA! HA!
We know you are innocent.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Your paws look clean to me. Clean paws = innocent.
Princess Eva
P.S. We have a red and black Loopies like yours in the picture below. I'm sure that we got it at the same place. ;-)
I think you look great just sitting there guarding the plant. Mine doesn't trust me too near her plants too. Oh well...
I am 100% sure you are innocent. WE have had stuff like that happen at our house too, and it was for sure done by someone who broke into the house. You are innocent!
Kodak, we hate to tell you this, but in that last picture, you look awfully guilty! We won't tell your mom though! Somedog else must have snuck into your house and dug in the plant.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
You look like a great plant guarder Kodak. Keep up the good work ;)
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