I belong to a Yahoo group of American Eskimo dog owners called EskieShots and won the weekly photo contest a few weeks ago with this winning smile. So, I had to show that I can get even goofier!! My mommy says I'm such a puppy.

Can you just see the vim and vinegar in this photo?
What a khool shot that soooo shows your kharakhter!!
Wow Kodak, that's an amazing shot. I don't know if I can make my tongue like that, I must try!
w00f's Kodak, heehee me lovessss dat picksur..
b safe,
Hi, Kodak!
That sure is a winner picture!
Kisses and hugs
Woa! That is one amazing shot of you!
hey Kodak,
How do you do that? What a cool pic! I wish I had a funny tongue like you! And you have such a big smile! And the other pic of you, the winning shot, is very nice. We can see why you won! My human K said you are a very pretty doggy!!
Duffy looks like a great doggy pal to hang with, and it sounds like you two pups had a fun time. Hope his eye gets better!
Kodak! oh we missed you. We always said you were meant fur pictures.
we're still trotin' around giving all our friendzees lots of love licks. Our computee box is still broke; we got one to use until ours is fixed so we can at least visit! It has lots of limitations but it did open most of your pawsome pics. We still gots lots to catchup on you've been up to lots!
Congrats on your win xoxo
What a awesome Shot!!! You are so photogenic!
Thor and Marco Polo
That you mom got that picture at the right time deserves an award! Good going Kodak's mom.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie's mom.
We can, indeed!
Congrats on the much deserved award--you are one very fantabulous dog!
Wow, look at those pearly whites!!!! How did woo do that with your tongue - great pic!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
That is one cool photo, Kodak! That's a keeper!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hooray for your win! What a tongue!
That *might* be a Doofus Face.
You could be a stand in for that guy from KISS. That is pretty good how your mom got that picture.
Duffy looks like a great play pal, but then you look like you are having fun by yourself also.
Thats pretty much the most fantastic photo of you ever.
I haven't had much computer time for a while so I had to catch up on your life and get my puppy fix. My mom's addicted. That is a grreat picture of your tongue. No wonder you won.
Get out of here! That is a total doofus face. How did you get your tongue to do that? Some sort of wind tunnel effect?
That's a really cute photo of you Kodak. :)
~ Girl girl
Dropping by to say hello.
Simba x
Ha hahahaha that is such a funny picture!
Hi Koadk - that picture would be perfect on a first class postage stamp.
Hugs, Cappy
This is an awesome picture!!
... I cant find myself in your mouth, Kodak ~
Also, does it mean if you win the contest (I'm referring to the FREE goodies) -- I get half too?
and Rudolf
That is a GREAT photo of your tongue hanging out! I love it!!!!!
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